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Little Angels Child Care Centre aims to provide quality educational programs for all children. Our programs are meaningful, multicultural and integrate additional needs in a warm, secure environment through qualified and competent educators. 

Annual Incursions
Each year the centre provides funs and exciting educational incursions for all children.  Incursions include: Farm visit, Chicken hatching, Harmony Day Celebrations, Footy Day Celebrations and Christmas Party.


National Curriculum EYLF
Our program is based on The Early Years Learning Framework. This is a National Curriculum which all centres in Australia must follow. Within the program we aim to cover all developmental areas.


Educational Programs
University Trained Early Childhood Educators developing the educational programs. The educational program is meaningful to each child and based on an ongoing cycle of planning for each child. The educational programs links to the children’s cultures and home life. The educational program is catered for each individual child and has a strong focus on numeracy, literacy and extending on each child’s current skills, interests and abilities. The educational program caters for all the children’s varying learning styles. Learning is conducted in both small and large groups, individually and through projects.


School Readiness - Preschool Program
The School Readiness program form the basis of all daily activities and reflect the philosophy and aims of our centre. Our preschool program is based on developing a foundation of skills with a focus on numeracy, literacy, self-help skills and social/emotional skills. This program is also based around the needs, strengths and interests of the individual children who attend our centre. The School Readiness Program encourages all the children in the preschool room to participate to ensure each child leaving the centre is ready for school and developed to their full potential. Information on local schools and school readiness will be available to parents.


Physical Fitness and Nutritional Programs – At Little Angels we encourage good nutrition and physical fitness.  The staff implement a physical fitness program such as yoga or aerobics or working on specific skills called Fundamental Movement Skills such as kicking or catching a ball. Our menu has been developed, ensuring the children are eating healthy nutritious meals which meets their individual requirements. The children learn about healthy foods within the daily program and are involved in many physical activities contributing to their overall wellbeing.

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